Two situations in which it is essential to use the services of an emergency locksmith

Sometimes, when people are locked out of their homes, they simply stay with a friend or a relative for a few hours (or overnight) until they can arrange for a standard locksmith to come and open their locked door for them.

However, there are instances in which it is best to use the services of an emergency locksmith (i.e. a locksmith that is available around the clock and can reach your home very quickly) so that you can gain access to your home as fast as possible. Here are two such situations.

You have been locked out of your home and your important medication is inside the house

If you ever get locked out of your home and the medication you need to take regularly for a health condition that you have is inside your property, you should call an emergency locksmith.

The reason for this is as follows; in this situation, postponing the unlocking of your property's door could be a very risky decision that could have major consequences for your health.

If for example, you have Type 1 diabetes and your insulin injections are in the house that you are locked out of, delaying the opening of the locked door could result in you developing serious complications, such as hyperglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. This may then result in you having to be hospitalised.

Likewise, if you are on antibiotics for an infection that you recently developed, missing out on a dose of this medication could result in the infection getting much worse and subsequently causing sepsis.

As such, if you are in this situation and want to avoid putting your wellbeing in danger, you should get in contact with one of the emergency locksmiths in your area as soon as you realise you have locked yourself out of your home.

You have something cooking or have lit a fire in your fireplace

If you get locked out of your home after you have lit a fire in your fireplace or whilst you are in the middle of using your cooker to prepare a meal, you should definitely use the services of an emergency locksmith rather than making an appointment with a standard locksmith.

The reason for this is as follows; it is possible that your home could catch on fire if there is a source of ignition and you leave the property vacant for several hours.

For example, if whilst you are still locked out, a spark flies out of the fireplace and onto a rug, or if the flame from your gas hob causes a nearby tea-towel to catch on fire, your entire home could be destroyed by a fire in a very short space of time.
