How to Get a Passport Out of a Safe When You’ve Lost the Combination

Locking your family's passports in your home safe may have seemed a great idea at the time; however, you may be kicking yourself if you're about to set off on holiday and nobody can remember the combination. If you're really short on time, then contacting the manufacturer and getting a new code may take too long. What else can you do?

Read the Instructions

Most home safes come with a set of instructions. If you can find these instructions, then they may give you ways to get into the safe, even if you've forgotten the combination code. For example, some safes come with a key that will open the door without a code. If you have a key and can find it, then the manual should tell you how to use it.

Alternatively, the safe may have an emergency code to deal with this kind of situation. If your safe has this feature, then the manual will give you instructions on how to find the code and how to use it.

Tip: If you can't find the manual quickly, then search for it online to save time.

Some safe manufacturers require you to apply to get a code reset. This takes time you probably don't have, as you usually have to prove you are the owner of the safe. If you can't wait and can't use key or emergency code access, then you need to find a different solution.

Contact Local Locksmiths

Many locksmiths can open safes even when they are locked without a code. If you need to head to the airport soon, then call out an emergency locksmith and explain the urgency of the situation. They may be able to help.

To make things easier, check that the locksmith has experience of opening safes. You don't want to waste time waiting for a locksmith to work out if they can get you in. It's also a good idea to make sure that your locksmith knows the exact make and model of safe they'll be working on. This gives the locksmith the chance to check any details they need to know; they can also tell you on the spot whether they can help or not.

Once your locksmith opens the safe, you'll be good to go. While you have the locksmith on site, ask them to reset the safe's code if they can, so you can use it when you get back. 
